The Flirt Team have joined forces with Pattaya’s largest imported cider supplier, Apple Honey, to bring our members something to enjoy. Once per month various Flirt Venues will be host to the monthly Flirt Cider Party. As well as having Thatchers Gold & John Kepplers on promotion, there will also be Brunty’s Cider which is Apple Honey latest product. If you decide to by a lady drink during the party she will be drinking a Bruntys, so if you want to have some fun make sure to get the girls drinking. There will be a live DJ, some amazing music and numerous competitions to join in the fun and win some amazing prizes. With some awesome shows from the girls and the swimming pool to relax around, the Cider Party is destined to be a party not to miss. Our first party will be held at Heaven Gentlemens Club in Cosy Beach on Saturday March 29th. See you there.