Pattaya Top Trumps – Bar Girl (Unlimited) Edition
It’s rainy season and whilst the heavens open you decide to spend a few hours at your condo. You’ve looked on Facebook, bored with that. The local cable TV only has a handful of English speaking channels that seem to be transmitted through a snow storm. So, what can you do? How about make a game based on something from yesteryear? Could be fun and if a few mates come over when the rain stops with a few beers even better.
H’mm… How about Pattaya Top Trumps? Ok, there could be a few themes, but let’s start with bar girls. We need some categories so let’s begin with age. Is younger better or does experience count? Up to you, you’re making the rules up, it’s your game! Next up could be number of boyfriends (active sponsors). This number indicates how many foreigners are actually sending money to the girl. Again, you decide if a high number is a good thing or not! Then we can have number of children back in the village. A high number here is surely not a good thing as it could cost some poor unsuspecting farang dearly! Then for the fun stats – Net worth! That’s right, many bar girls plead poverty but are in fact much better off than you. You just have to decide if her being loaded is a good or bad thing. Now for the last category, the number of weeks the girl has worked in the bar. This will be a number plus a ‘2’ in brackets. Written like this 91 (2). Why the 2? Most bar girls tell the unsuspecting farang and potential future family sponsor that they have only worked in the bar for 2 weeks. If they told the guys the real number of weeks they could be put off and might go looking for some jungle fresh totty instead.
This is all very one sided, how about Farang Top Trumps – Ex-Pat Edition? The girls could certainly have some fun with this! OK, 5 categories are needed so as to judge and compare these hansom men. Again, you or your ladies get to decide if what’s good and bad, but do choose before the game starts or things could get messy! First up its age again. The range will be wider for the guys for sure and probably start higher too! Then we could look at number of ex-wives followed by number of kids back home! (High numbers can’t be good as it means less money to spend!!) Net worth is valid too, especially if large amounts of cash are kept in the condo safe and lastly, number of weeks lived in Thailand. A high number here is not good. Ex-pats who have been here a long time tend to have adapted to Thai prices and generally do not behave like 2 week millionaires. (They are easy to spot in the bars as they will be watching the sport on the TV whilst the girls are dancing!)
Of course you could use alternative or additional stats to compare. For example Weight, breast size and how fat is the wallet etc. There are also many themes for the Pattaya Top Trumps that you could explore, these include – Lady boy Edition, Jet Ski Scam, Mobile Shops, Real Fake Watch Edition, Soi Dogs, Public Transport and so on.
And finally, if you or your friends dabble in Photoshop or similar, you could easily create your own Pattaya Top Trumps. Hours of fun! (Actually getting the photos you need to create the set could be quite an adventure, be sure to take a wing-man!)