Viagra, Cialis or Levitra, which is the best?
Some guys take a sexual performance enhancer purely for kicks, on a mission
maybe to nail as many bar girls on a two week millionaire tour of Soi 6!
However, Erectile Dysfunction is the main reason guys look to re-kindling
their lost mojo. In the UK it is estimated that over half the men 40 to 70
years old suffer from this loss of libido either on a part time or permanent
basis. For some it is simply their aged wife no longer turns them on, it is
sad, but true. An instant cure for this would be a ‘Golfing Trip’ to
Thailand! Is that why so many older guys come here to play golf? Anyway, if
that’s your trip make sure you bring 5 different outfits, get your photo
taken on the course wearing them all in one day then your can find an
alternative 19th hole for the rest of your holiday J (Email a different
picture every day and Doris will think, “Ah, how sweet. John’s playing with
his favourite balls! Oh look, he got a hole in one!”.
For those who need to take a little extra something to firm up the
situation, or you simply want to try, here’s what to expect.
Viagra – It’s been around for over ten years now gets you going within an
hour with the effects lasting from 4 to 6 hours. So, long time might be
better than short time or you could be leaving the room and being confused
with a hat stand! For best results, take on an empty stomach.
Levitra – Very similar effects and duration as Viagra, but less affected by
food or alcohol. It appears Cialis is more effective in diabetics than other
Cialis – More subtle, but longer lasting than Viagra. Effects can last up to
36 hours, downside is that if you suffer from any side effects, these will
last longer too.
The side effects of the three most popular enhancers can include headache,
facial flushing, stomach ache and back pain and a bunged up nose. Oh, and of
course a stonking hard on. Everyone is different, some guys will experience
little or no side effects. Also one tablet may produce fab results for one
guy and mediocre results for another Best thing is to try for yourself, but
do read any medical advisory literature before ingesting!
Stiff days is a new comer to the market and appears to be completely
organic, gets you going within a half hour and lasts up to 72 hours with no
reported side effects. Stiff days is not recommended for guys who take high
blood pressure medication and is less effective with guys who take
anti-depressants. It can be taken with food and drink, but best results
attained without booze! (Stiff days fills the slot previously occupied by
Black Ant, which the FDA decided they didn’t like. Black Ant is still
available and also appears to be completely organic with excellent results.)
And finally, do make sure you buy genuine tablets, there are so many fake
ones available; especially in Thailand. Fake tablets may have adverse
effects or no effect at all. Always buy from a trusted pharmacy to make sure
you are getting the real deal!